Kerion Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

A fungal ringworm infection of the hair follicles of the Kerion scalp (sometimes bearded) is the result of the host response, which may occur with secondary bacterial infection. It is usually raised, spongy appears in the form of wounds, and usually occurs in children. This honey is a painful swelling reaction with deep suppurative lesions on the skull. Discharging Pus can be seen for folicus. Sinus formation may occur and rarely the mechomatoma-like cereals are produced. This is usually caused by termofoites (fungal infections affecting humans and animals) such as trichophyton varrucosm, T. Menagrows,  and Microsporom Canis. Treatment with oral griseofulvin mango.

There is a boil due to a Kerion fungal infection. It is often on the skull (tinea capitis), but it can also occur on any site that comes in contact with fungus such as (Tinea Faciei) and upper limb (Tina Corporation). It is often misidentified as bacterial infection.

Symptoms & Causes
Hair loss can occur because the hair will come out easily. Occasionally, organisms grow. Symptoms of lymph and fever may be present. This situation can be mistaken for the case of impetigo.

A Kerion is caused by the dramatic immune response of a dermatological fungal infection (Tinea). The most common form of fungus found in Kerion is:

•  Microscope canis
•  Trichophyton tonsurans
•  Trichophyton verrucosum
•  Trichophyton mentagrophytes
•  Trichophyton Rubrum is not a common cause of carrier.

Due to the specific presence of a Kerion, doubts are raised. Examination using yellow wavelength UVA emitted wooden lamp can reveal yellow-green fluorescence if the Kerion microscope is caused by canes, but it is often negative when it is responsible organism because the inflammation obscures the appearance of fungus.

Microscopy and fungal culture (laboratory tests for fungal infections) can be done to confirm diagnosis, scrapping, and hair sample from the affected area. A bacterial swab should be considered secondary infection with bacteria.

Yes, while they are in close contact, especially when sharing the bedding and towels, other members of the fungal transition family can be transmitted to other family members. Combs and hairbrushes must be disinfected or discarded to prevent transmission or transmission of infection.

Since fungi causing caries (e.g., M. canis) often resides on domestic pets (such as a cat), family members may also be infected with direct contact with the animal.

Unlike most other manifestations of tinea diartofept infection, the Kerion is not adequately treated with topical antifungal and requires systemic therapy. Depending on the severity of specific therapy, for a continuous period of at least 6-8 weeks, Greece antifungals, such as grisofulvin or terbinaafine, are involved. Successful treatment of Kerion often requires empirical bacterial antibiotics due to the high circulation of secondary bacterial infections.

Kerion should be treated by oral antifungal agents. Course of 6-8 weeks of treatment is usually determined at the minimum. Due to the deep attack of fungus in the hair follicle, the Topical Antifangal agents are not effective.

•  Terbinafine
•  Itraconazole
•  Griseofulvin (no longer available in New Zealand)

Antibiotics may be required when bacterial infection is present. Antifangal shampoos that contain ketokonazole or ciclopoeroxes help others reduce the spread of infection.

Children usually go back after treatment of infection, but sometimes hair loss is permanent, especially if the infection has been for a long time.

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