Tips To Deal With Summer Heat

These 10 griming tips will keep the skin clean in scorching sunshine and heat.

»  There are problems like sun tan, blackness of the skin in summer.
»  Make use of toning and moisturizing during this season.
»  Using sunscreen lip balm, lips will not be black.

Summer season has started, and as soon as it has started the fun of Pool Parties, BBQ and the Sandder Coast. In this season the outside environment is fun but there are many problems with the skin as well. There are some common problems occurring during the summer due to sunburn, sun tan, skin dysfunction and lack of water in the body. Dr. Mohan Thomas, the founder of Cosmetic Surgeon and Inceptor Cosmetic Surgery and Skin Institute, has given some special tips to him.

Scorching sunlight and rigid UV radiation can be very painful for our skin and can cause burns, pigmentation and sun burn. During the summer, the skin becomes oily, so that most cases of acne, aloe and fungal infections can be found. Therefore daily skin care is important, in addition to cleaning, toning, moisturizing, we must also pay attention to the quantity of our food and water. And of course, never forget using sunscreen. Sweaty moisture to skin in the heat is quite uncomfortable, which can lead to bromhidrosis (hysteria) and hyperhidrosis.

Summer Tips
•  Make the habit of skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing throughout the season. Use gel moisturizer in the summer days.
•  Avoid UVA and UVB rays of sunlight and at least SPF 15. For any sunscreen it takes about 15-20 minutes to provide complete protection, so put it in your skin at least 20 minutes before leaving the house. Especially when you stay out for a long time, then apply it every 3-4 hours.
•  Take Oral Antioxidants as told by the dermatologist to protect the skin from damage to the sun.
•  Skin in the sun, especially the lips, is often dark or dark. Apply sunscreen lip balm for this.
•  Put sun glass to protect your eyes. Put out the umbrella while you’re leaving. This will protect both your skin and hair.
•  Regular microdermabransmission using micro bids, this will not have black wart and white furuncles.
•  To get the perfect look in summer, skin colorful dresses and bright colors lipstick will remain the best.
•  Make a mineral make-up and do not make creamy make-up.
•  Sunscreen in summer will be best for your makeup, which will also protect the skin completely.
•  Minimize the products used in the hair.
•  Hair spa therapy with the right diet supplements will help you look beautiful.

Diet tips
Lighten the food in the heat. This will make you feel fresh throughout the season and will also avoid water shortages. If the amount of antioxidants is high in the food, then it will protect the skin in the sun. Foods containing vitamin C do repair skin damaged in the sun. These vitamins are in vegetable and fruit including carrots, papaya, black grapes and green leafy vegetables.

Apart from this, drink plenty of water as well as fresh juice of fruits, fresh lemonade and salad etc. can be great diets during the summer season. If there is no kidney disease, then drink two liters of water daily.

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