Hair fall Problem In Children Know Reason And Treatment

Do not Minimize Children’s Problems of Hair Loss, These Are Surprising Reasons
Nowadays, not only the elderly but also the small children are having hair fall problem. By the way, this problem is due to not taking the right diet. But apart from this, there are many reasons behind this. It is just fair to have a parent’s concern with children’s hair loss. Nearly 90 percent of the hair is in the state of hair growth while the remaining 10 percent is increased and in resting condition. For two to three years each person’s hair continues to grow in length of 1 centimeter, and after that they are in a state of rest. After resting, hair starts to fall, so that new hair can grow. So it is common for your child to fall 50 to 100 hair a day, even if you think your child’s hair is falling more than expected, consult your doctor.

Children’s hair fall due to these reasons
Some children are due to hair loss, coloring, bleaching, or straightening and frizzing the child’s hair. Hair dyes, which are used for coloring the hair, contain chemistry and they cause harmful effects on the hair. And with the use of hair straightening hair or curly hair, called hair dryer, your child has a bad effect on the hair.

These are other reasons
Alopecia: The main cause of hair fall in children is Alopecia. Almost two million children in the United States are afflicted with Alopecia. Although, many children’s hair problems are successfully treated, yet many children do not have hair again due to lack of time or the right treatment, and such children have to face embarrassment throughout life.

Telogen Effluvium: Accidental shock or trauma, emotional problems etc. can also cause hair loss. Fast fever is also a cause of this disease. Although the vesicles of the hair are flexible, but when ‘telogen effluvium’ invades, the ability of the hair regeneration puppies has a lasting effect.

Trichotillomania: The condition of partial hair loss in children is known as trichutillomania. In this condition, hair is disembodied unequally, and in severe cases, this condition can affect the eyebrows of the eyes. It is a condition in which, due to fear, the child develops the excitement of throwing his own hair. It is necessary to root out the condition of this type of hair, to root it permanently.

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